Picture the scene. It's weeks below the 2020 US election, and you're a journalist at The New Yorker. Preparing for the landmark event and what's sure to be a cripplingly busy few weeks at work, you decide to join a Zoom call with your colleagues. The purpose of this...
Squad Blog
What is Screen Fry? And How to Stop Getting Fried By Screens
If you're anything like us, then your day looks something like this. You wake up in the morning, and the first thing you do is look at your phone. You check your notifications and maybe catch up on how the world was burning while the sun was down in your hemisphere....
Hackers Are Targeting Small Businesses in the Bay Area
The mainstream news is littered with stories of high profile data breaches. In the last two years alone, we've seen some of the world's largest organizations like MyFitnessPal, Quora, GooglePlus, and Facebook fall victim to major cyber attacks. However, hacks against...
How to Protect Your Systems During a Crisis
Coronavirus is sweeping the world and causing widespread disruption to all areas of our lives. International travel is restricted for many people. Vacations are canceled. The global economy is taking a hit. And businesses everywhere are preparing for an entirely...
Why Small Businesses Can’t Afford NOT To Have an IT Provider
It's 2020, we're firmly in the digital age, and you'd struggle to find a company who doesn't rely on any tech! As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, more and more small businesses are finding themselves in need of an IT provider. Small businesses face...
How to Control What Your Kids Do and See on Their Apple Devices
When used appropriately, iPhones and iPads are great for kids. They grant access to hundreds of educational apps that can help kids excel at school. They also provide boundless entertainment in the form of games and content streaming apps like YouTube, Twitch, and...
How to Girlfriend or Boyfriend Proof Your Devices
In many ways, our devices are a reflection of who we are - the good, the bad, and the downright dull. They store candid conversations with our friends, endless memories in the form of photos and videos, search histories we're maybe not too proud of, and a multitude of...
How Companies Can Prepare for Coronavirus
As of March 12, confirmed cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) stand at 125,000 across 118 countries. Although efforts to slow the spread of the virus are still ongoing, many countries are now facing the possibility that the virus will take hold. Like any virus, there is a...