Customer Testimonials

We always put our best foot forward for our customers.  Here you can see what they have to say about us.  If you’d like to leave us a review, just follow the link to Google.  We’d love to hear from you!

We never have to worry about any IT related issues. Jeremy and his team are always there to support us–– anytime of day or night! We can relax knowing we are in such good hands. No stress if there are any computer/internet issues. Thank you Jeremy for all the IT support these past years!

Lynn Ishizaka

There are no issues that you can’t help us with. Most importantly, they are accomplished on a timely manner. Thank you for your excellent and professional service all these years. You’re more than just our “IT Guy”, you’re also a friend!

Joanne Mock
Executive Assistant
MCM Diversified

The Cheap Squad not only helps us with our big IT issues, but the mundane everyday issues as well. Their glitch response is near-immediate and this helps keep our staff productive and generally frustration-free and they understand our business fully from an IT perspective. I highly recommend The Cheap Squad to anyone looking for a knowledgeable, helpful, and responsive IT consultant, and look forward to working with Jeremy and his colleagues for many years to come!

Eugene H. Sakai
Studio S Squared Architecture

I can never be as up to date as your team is with better ways to handle IT. I love the knowledge you bring-- always helping me with better solutions! Like date storage and backup!

Joanne Unites
JUst Accounting

The Cheap Squad is an awesome place to get your computer, cellphones and tablets repaired. Fast and Reliable are the first 2 words that come to mind when describing The Cheap Squad, even before the word cheap!

Tralane Mercadel
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While on a business trip to the Bay my iPad froze up! I was dead in the water with a presentation looming the very next day. I frantically explained how terribly urgent my situation was. Josh heard me, and not only did he jump on my iPad right away but gave me a laptop to work on while I waited to see if my device could be fixed. Not 30 mins later my iPad was cleaner and worked much better than before. Thank you Cheap Squad and a special thanks to Josh.

Pambi Sugar
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Oh me, oh my, Mr. Joshua is one hell of a guy! Brought my old IPhone 7 plus because I spilled coffee all over it. Josh explained everything in advance, and got it done. My new "go to" place.

Alpha Diallo
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The Cheap Squad is wonderfully wonderful! This wasn’t my first experience with them, but this recent one was something special. So I dropped my laptop, broke the display, bent the casing, and some of the keys didn’t work...not my best moment. I took it to the Geek Squad (they were closer to me at the time) and my god - they said it would cost $1300 AND a 2 week wait! My laptop is not even worth that much. I left there, with busted laptop in hand, and went straight to THE CHEAP SQUAD. Like always, they said everything upfront and clear, and fixed everything in 3 days for a total of $650. Thank you guys so much!!!

Trina Hunt
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Get In Touch

Want to see how we can help your business succeed? Just give us a call, email, or fill out the form and we’d love to chat.


250 E. Hamilton Ave. Suite A Campbell CA, 95008

The Cheap Squad

250 E. Hamilton Ave. Suit A

Campbell CA, 95008